Petersfield Heath Pond Videos |
Having the sound ON The videos are listed in reverse date order so that the latest videos are at the top of the list.
2021 |
Video 22: Squirrel | ||||||||
Video 21: Mallards Fighting | ||||||||
Video 20: Swans Flying | ||||||||
Video 19: Lame Duck on the Ice | ||||||||
Video 18: Ice on the edge of the pond - blown by the wind: listen to the sound! | ||||||||
Video 17: Feeding a robin by hand - look for a flutter of wings towards the end of the video! | ||||||||
Video 16: Feeding a swan by hand - and stroking him too! | ||||||||
Video 15: A cygnet makes hard work of ice on the pond | ||||||||
2020 |
Video 14: Robin | ||||||||
Video 13: Eric, the Muscovy Duck | ||||||||
Video 12: Robin Singing | ||||||||
Video 11: Heron | ||||||||
Video 10: Heron | ||||||||
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Video 9: Toulouse Geese | ||||||||
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Video 8: Egyptian Geese and Goslings | 3 July 2020 | |||||||
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Video 7: Egyptian Geese | 1 July 2020 | |||||||
Video 6: Mallards | 1 July 2020 | |||||||
Video 5: Egypitain Geese and Goslings - 2 This video does not contain any sound | 30 June 2020 | |||||||
Video 4: Egypitain Geese and Goslings - 1 | 30 June 2020 | |||||||
Video 3: Egyptian Geese | 26 June 2020 | |||||||
Video 2: A random selection of water birds | 25 June 2020 | |||||||
Video 1: Egyptian Geese and Goslings | 25 June 2020 | |||||||